
What matters to voters?

Dr. Jonas Fegert for the Süddeutsche Zeitung

SOSEC researcher offers insights into data ahead of elections.

Wagenknecht vs Weidel

Same but different

Dr. Jonas Fegert shares insights from SOSEC and analyzes the strategies of the two prominent populist party leaders.

New Article on US Elections in Tagesspiegel

Polarization Ahead of the 2024 Elections

A new news article offers fresh and intriguing insights into the dynamics of public opinion and polarization in the US ahead of the 2024 elections.

Digital and Resilient

Panel Discussion with State Minister Petra Olschowski as Full-Length Video

The video clip promises exciting insights into digital technologies, research and democracy

Digital and Resilient - Tech-Driven Research for a Strong Democracy

Event at Baden-Württemberg State Representation in Berlin

The FZI presented innovative research projects at a successful evening event with Petra Olschowsky, State Minister for Science and the Arts. Our SOSEC project was at the center of the event.

New Articles Published in Tagesspiegel

Ahead of State Elections in Brandenburg

In two differentiated analyses, journalists from the Tagesspiegel and researchers from SOSEC describe the situation in Brandenburg ahead of the state elections.

New Articles Published in Tagesspiegel

Ahead of State Elections in Brandenburg

In two differentiated analyses, journalists from the Tagesspiegel and researchers from SOSEC describe the situation in Brandenburg ahead of the state elections.

Guest Article on SOSEC Data for the Alfred Landecker Foundation

Jonas Fegert presents new insights from SOSEC!

Minister of Science Petra Olschowski visits the FZI

Video Clip from Baden-TV

Minister of Science, Petra Olschowski, visits the House of Participation at FZI with a focus on our research on Digital Democracy.

Article in Tagesspiegel: State elections in the East

Conspiracy myths among the electorate

"Crises are brought about to serve the elites. Politicians are deliberately not improving their situation": half of East Germans believe this is possible - especially AfD and BSW voters. This is intensifying shortly before the election. A data analysis.

New Publication on Communicating Energy Policy

"Guiding Policy Communication: Tailoring Energy Education to Diverse Public Sentiments"

As part of the SEED conference, Christina Speck and other researchers from the SOSEC team published a paper on the nexus of energy policy, education and political communication.

Thesis on SOSEC

Analyzing a survey on political and socially relevant topics

Write your thesis based on a unique data set and tackle current socially and politically relevant issues.

Podcast Episode on Disinformation in Times of Crisis

Christiane Hoffmann, Caroline Lindekamp, and Achim Rettinger joining Dr. Jonas Fegert on the HoPCast

In the latest episode of the HoPCast SOSEC's Dr. Jonas Fegert and his guests discuss disinformation in times of multiple crises

SOSEC at re:publica 2024

Dr. Jonas Fegert presents our research project.

Jonas Fegert presented SOSEC at this year's re:publica and spoke about authoritarian tendencies in democracies.

FZI Spring Festival

The discussion at this year's Spring Festival revolved around social polarization and cooperation between academia and journalism.

Broadcast Feature

by Hessischer Rundfunk

On 27. April 2023, Jonas Fegert discussed the social impact of generative artificial intelligence on the spread of disinformation and social polarization on Hessischer Rundfunk.


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